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How to Get Rid of Frizzy Hair?: 11 Essential Tips

Mar 28

Frizzy hair can be a common issue for many individuals, often attributed to weather conditions, hair type, and styling habits. Taming frizz requires a combination of proper hair care practices and targeted treatments. In this guide, we'll explore 11 essential tips to help you achieve smoother hair.


Hydration is Key:

Frizz often occurs when hair is dry and lacks moisture. To ensure products with ingredients, use glycerin and hyaluronic acid to lock in moisture.


Choose the Right Hair Products:

Opt for products that combat frizz, such as anti-frizz serums, leave-in conditioners, and styling creams. These curly hair frizz control products create a protective barrier, preventing excess moisture from entering the hair shaft.


Gentle Towel Drying:

Avoid rough towel drying, which can lead to breakage and increased frizz. Instead, gently pat your hair with a microfiber towel.


Regular Deep Conditioning:

Use a product rich in natural oils like coconut or argan oil to nourish and strengthen your hair, reducing frizz.


Cool Water Rinse:

Cold water helps smooth the hair's outer layer, making it less prone to environmental factors that contribute to frizz.


Avoid Heat Damage:

Excessive heat styling can contribute to frizz by stripping the hair of its natural moisture. Limit the use of hot styling tools. Also, you should apply a heat protectant spray to shield your hair from damage.


Protective Hairstyles:

Consider adopting protective hairstyles, such as braids or buns, to minimize exposure to environmental elements. These styles help prevent friction and reduce the chances of hair becoming frizzy.


Regular Trims:

Split ends can contribute to frizz, so get regular trims to keep your hair healthy. Aim for a trim every 6-8 weeks to maintain the integrity of your hair and prevent frayed ends.



Choose hairstyles that work well in humid conditions, as humidity can exacerbate frizz. Styles like buns, braids, or sleek ponytails can help control frizz on sweltering days. Also, you should use type 2b curly hair products on your hair.


Natural Remedies:

Experiment with natural remedies like apple cider vinegar rinses or aloe vera gel to soothe and tame frizz. These options can provide additional moisture and nourishment to your hair.


Anti-Frizz Hair Masks:

Besides using frizz-control products for curly hair, treat your hair with masks. These masks are formulated with shea butter, olive oil, or avocado, which deeply nourish and replenish your hair, leaving it silky and frizz-free.


Avoid Over-Washing:

To maintain a healthy balance of oils, aim to wash your hair no more than two to three times a week and use a sulfate-free shampoo.


Humidity-Proof Styling Products:

Invest in styling products explicitly designed to combat humidity. Anti-humidity hair sprays and styling gels can help lock in your style and prevent frizz, even on the most humid days.


Ionic Hair Dryers:

Consider using an ionic hair dryer, which emits negatively charged ions. This technology reduces drying time, minimizes heat damage, and leaves your hair smoother and less prone to frizz.


DIY Hair Rinses:

Create your DIY hair rinses at home. As a final rinse, apply a mixture of green tea or chamomile tea diluted with water. These natural ingredients help soothe hair and maintain its moisture balance.


Avoid Touching Wet Hair:

Refrain from touching or combing your hair while it's wet, as this can disturb the cuticle layer and increase frizz.


Use a Wide-Tooth Comb:

When detangling your hair, use a wide-tooth comb to minimize breakage and frizz. Start from the tips and work your way up to prevent unnecessary stress.


Protective Headwear:

If you're heading out into harsh weather conditions, protect your hair with a hat. This provides an additional barrier against wind, rain, or intense sunlight, which can contribute to frizz.


Balanced Diet and Supplements:

Consider incorporating omega-3 fatty acids, biotin, and vitamin E into your diet or as supplements to promote overall hair health and reduce frizz.


Professional Treatments:

Explore salon treatments such as keratin treatments or hair glossing to help control frizz and enhance the overall texture of your hair. Consult a professional stylist to find the best option for your hair type.


DIY Overnight Treatments:

Apply natural oils to treat your hair to overnight nourishment. This deep conditioning treatment helps repair and hydrate hair, combating frizz while you sleep.


Avoid Tight Hairstyles:

Tight hairstyles can cause stress on your hair, leading to breakage and frizz. Opt for looser hairstyles, like loose braids or ponytails, to minimize tension and reduce the risk of frizz.


Protective Styling at Night:

Before going to bed, protect your hair by loosely braiding or twisting it. This helps prevent friction and tangling during sleep, minimizing the chances of waking up to unruly, curly hair.


Regular Scalp Massages:

Stimulate blood circulation in your scalp by incorporating regular scalp massages into your routine. This promotes a healthier scalp environment, encouraging the natural oils.


Avoid Alcohol-Based Products:

Products containing high alcohol levels can strip your hair of moisture, leading to increased frizz. Opt for alcohol-free styling products to maintain hydration and prevent further damage.


DIY Vinegar Rinse:

Create a DIY vinegar rinse by mixing one part apple cider vinegar with water. Use this solution as a final hair rinse after shampooing to help balance the hair's pH levels, promoting smoothness and shine while minimizing frizz.


Tea Tree Oil Scalp Treatment:

Consider using tea tree oil for frizz caused by an itchy or irritated scalp. Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with a carrier oil like jojoba or coconut oil. This can help soothe the scalp, reduce inflammation, and indirectly address frizz.


Hair-Friendly Pillowcases:

Upgrade your pillowcases to silk or satin to reduce friction and prevent overnight frizz. These smoother fabrics cause less friction between your hair and the pillow, minimizing the chances of waking up with unruly tresses.


Avoid Excessive Sun Exposure:

Prolonged exposure to the sun can lead to dry and frizzy hair. Protect your hair by wearing hats—also, spending extended periods in the sun. Additionally, use UV protection sprays or leave-in conditioners to shield your hair from the harmful effects of UV rays.


Rinse with Cold Water:

After conditioning your hair, finish with a cold water rinse to close the hair cuticles and lock in moisture. This step helps reduce frizz and adds a lustrous shine to your hair.


DIY Honey Hair Mask:

Honey is a natural humectant, meaning it attracts moisture. To create a DIY honey hair mask, mix honey with olive oil and apply it to your hair. Leave it on for 20-30 minutes before rinsing to enjoy enhanced hydration and reduced frizz.


Avoid Excessive Brushing:

Brushing your hair too often can lead to frizz. Instead, use a wide-tooth comb gently. This will help to detangle your hair when needed, starting from the tips and working your way up.


Manage Stress Levels:

Stress can contribute to various hair issues, including frizz. Practice stress-management techniques such as meditation. Also, you can do yoga or deep breathing exercises. These will promote overall well-being and healthier hair.


Consult with a Professional:

If frizz persists despite your efforts, consider consulting with a professional hairstylist. They can assess your hair type, recommend tailored treatments, and provide valuable advice on managing and preventing frizz effectively.



Achieving smooth, frizz-free hair requires a combination of mindful hair care practices, natural remedies, and a healthy lifestyle. By incorporating these additional tips into your routine, you'll be better equipped to combat frizz and enjoy more manageable and radiantly healthy locks. Remember, consistency and patience are essential in your journey to achieving the hair you desire.