Light Therapy For Neuropathy and Its Mechanism
Whether it is caused by diabetes, autoimmune disorders, infections, alcoholism, vitamin deficiencies, or trauma to the feet, Benefits of infrared therapy for neuropathy, neuropathy can have devastating effects on your life. It affects the nerves in the feet which can cause painful sensations, numbness, and loss of feeling. Thankfully, light therapy is an effective treatment for neuropathy chronic pain and can help restore your quality of life.
Light Therapy For Neuropathy and Its Mechanism
The most basic thing that light therapy does is encourage the body's natural healing process, especially the nerve cells in the feet. When infrared light passes through the skin, it gets absorbed by cellular components called chromophores, and then stimulates energy production via the enzyme cytochrome C oxidase. This helps boost ATP production, the primary energy source for nerve cell function and regeneration.
This increased ATP is also believed to prevent further damage to the nerves by eliminating free radicals that are caused by inflammation and oxidative stress. In addition, infrared light therapy for neuropathy is thought to improve blood circulation by dilating the blood vessels and improving the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the feet and nerves.
In fact, one study showed that a specific type of monochromatic near-infrared light (NIR) was able to reduce the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy in patients. In this case, the NIR light was able to restore normal nerve function and reduce both pain and numbness. Another study found that this type of NIR light therapy was able to relieve pain caused by diabetic neuropathy and also improve balance and gait in patients with diabetes.
When it comes to home devices used for light therapy, there are two types of wavelengths: red and near-infrared. Red light wavelengths ranging from 600-700nm are the most effective for stimulating cellular activity, boosting energy production, reducing inflammation, promoting capillary formation, and reducing oxidative stress.
The other option is near-infrared light wavelengths of 770-1200nm, which penetrate deeper into the tissues. This type of infrared light is known for accelerating bone healing, reducing muscle spasms and joint stiffness, increasing blood flow to the joints, muscles, and bones, enhancing collagen and elastin formation, reducing inflammatory responses, promoting cellular metabolism, reducing oxidative stress, and facilitating the elimination of toxins. Choosing a device that offers both wavelengths of infrared is the best way to maximize treatment efficacy.