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What are you able to sell Plato's closet for?

Oct 25


It is all dependent on the item you're selling and the you're willing to pay Plato's Closet will offer. It is typical to earn 40-60 percent of the retail value. A $50 shirt initially could be sold at a price of $20-30.

There are always some exceptions to the rules. Certain items may only be allowed 20% of the return amount and others could be eligible for as much as 80percent. Every case is unique. The 40-60% range is an average estimation of the amount you could make through Plato's Closet.

Plato's Closet is a great starting point when you have gently used clothes that you'd like to get rid of. It could even earn you some cash! Thank you for taking the time to read. I hope that you find this useful. Have great fun selling!

Plato's Closet is located in the Whaley Center Faytteville NC

Plato's Closet offers clothes at the lowest price! You can get immediate cash or credit at the store. Always have at minimum $100 in my account. I've been using them for a long time.

Plato's Closet offers the advantage of purchasing any brand name clothes , provided that they are in good condition and are in fashion. Plato's Closet will purchase clothes that you don't want to wear and then convert them into cash.

Plato's Closet usually pays 40-60 percent of the selling price. If the item is sold for $20, I'd make between $8 and $12.

Plato's Closet isn't without its flaws. They are selective about the items they will accept. Plato's Closet can only accept clothes from the same brand, in good condition and are in fashion. Plato's Closet will purchase your clothes that you don't use and pay you cash.

Prices at Plato's Closet

For clothing, it is typical to see:

Shirts priced at $1

Jeans - $

Dresses - - $1

Shoes - - $

Plato's Closet offers a lot of potential. It is possible to earn an impressive amount of money by selling clothing you don't want or need. Plato's Closet has previously sold clothes to me , and I typically earn between 40-60 percent and 60% of the sale price. If an item is sold for $20, I'll earn somewhere between $8 and $12.

The Plato's Closet also has a benefit It is that they often purchase an array of clothes, such as dresses and shirts.


- $

Jeans - $

Dresses - - $1

Shoes - - $

Plato's Closet does not usually purchase clothes that are in poor condition. Plato's Closet does not purchase clothing that is that are in poor condition. This means that you have to ensure that your clothes are ironed and clean prior to sending them to the store.

Plato's Closet does not usually purchase brand names that are designer. That's the last disadvantage of selling clothing there. Plato's Closet will not likely purchase designer brands like Gucci or Chanel.

Plato's clothing sales are an excellent way to earn additional money. Before you can send your clothes to the closet of Plato Here are some tips you need to know. Don't think that they will sell designer clothing. Plato's Closet is a great opportunity to earn additional cash.

Are you a Plato's Clothet customer? How was the experience like? Let us know what you thought!

Plato's Closet lets you sell your clothing and make quick cash. Before you ship your clothes to the Plato's Closet Here are some tips you should keep in mind.

Phone      +19108676822

 Address 4544 Yadkin Rd, Fayetteville, NC 28303, United States