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Asphalt Roofing: The Best Option For Your Home

Jul 19

Asphalt roofing is the ideal choice for homeowners looking for an extremely durable and long-lasting roofing option. Asphalt roofing can be utilized in any climate since they're made of materials that are resistant to the elements of wind, fire and rain. Roofs made of asphalt can last up 20 years, and are cost-effective.

What exactly is Asphalt Roofing?

Asphalt roofing is a kind of roofing that is made of asphalt-coated fiberglass as well as organic materials. The asphalt coating provides roofing its water-resistant characteristics. The organic or fiberglass material gives the roofing durability and strength.

Asphalt roofing comes in a variety of styles and colors to complement the exterior of your house. Many homeowners appreciate their simplicity and have made them a popular option.

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What are the benefits of Asphalt Roofing?

Asphalt roofing is an excellent option for homes. Asphalt roofing offers the following advantages:

Fireproof The asphalt roofing material is an excellent choice for regions where wildfires are more likely to happen.

Roofs that are durable: Asphalt roofing last for a long time with minimal maintenance.

Affordable Asphalt roofing is an excellent choice for homeowners looking to cut costs.

It is simple to set up asphalt roofing. They are a very popular option for homeowners.

Low maintenance Asphalt roofs are simple to maintain, which makes them an ideal for homeowners who are busy.

There are numerous advantages for using asphalt roofing for your house as you will observe. Asphalt is the ideal roofing option if you're seeking a durable affordable, low-cost, and simple to put up.

The difference between asphalt Shingles and Metal Roofs:

While asphalt shingles are the most popular type of roofing material available There are other alternatives. Metal roofing is a popular alternative to asphalt shingles. Let's look at the main distinctions between these kinds of roofing materials.

  • Asphalt shingles are constructed of a fiberglass mat that is later coated with asphalt and then covered with ceramic Granules. Metal roofing can be constructed out of aluminum, steel or copper.
  • Asphalt shingles are less expensive than metal roofing.
  • Metal roofing lasts longer than asphalt.
  • Metal roofing can be recycled however asphalt shingles are not able to be reused.

Asphalt shingles are an excellent roofing choice if you're looking for something durable and cost-effective. Metal roofing is more costly initially, but they last longer and will save your money over time. For the best results, speak with an expert roofing contractor.

Drawbacks of Asphalt Roofs

  • Asphalt roofs are less durable than metal roofs.
  • They are not recyclable and eventually end in the landfill.
  • Asphalt roofing is not recommended for extreme weather conditions. They are susceptible to being damaged by hail or high winds.

What is the reason? Asphalt Shingles are the Best Option

  • Asphalt shingles are the most sought-after kind of roofing material used in the United States.
  • They are made of paper or fiberglass or asphalt.
  • Asphalt shingles are available in a variety of styles and colors.
  • They are simple to set up making them a desirable alternative for DIYers.

Asphalt shingles are a cost-effective roofing option. While they're not as durable as metal roofing, they are more straightforward to put up and are cheaper than the former. For optimal results, you should consult an expert roofer, regardless of the roofing material you pick.


If you are seeking a low-cost roofing alternative, asphalt shingles are an excellent option. They are easy to put up and are available in a variety of styles and colors. They're not as durable as metal roofing. For the most effective results, you should consult an expert roofing contractor.

Address:  2459 Corporation Pkwy Suite C, Burlington, NC 27215, United States

Phone:      +13362647532